Welcome to my LPing channel! Well... I call it a Let's Playing channel like it's all official, but trust me, I am far from professional. I do what I want on this channel, and I always want to have fun!
~People supporting my spazzy-ness:~
50 - February 23rd, 2011
100 - March 30th, 2011
150 - April 25th, 2011
200 - May 15th, 2011
300 - June 11th, 2011
500 - October 1st, 2011
1,000 - Not yet :)
~Crazy LP(s) in progress~
Okami (Wii Version), Mass Effect - Blind
~Completed LPs~
Metroid: Other M (Wii), Tomb Raider Legend (Gamecube) - Blind
My upload schedule:
One video a day, unless I specify otherwise
My superamazinglyawesome background was made by Princeboo21, a great friend and much more "official" LPer. Thanks so much, Boo! :D
My icon/profile pic was drawn and created by me and me alone. If you want to see the full pic, click here: