All copyrighted/trademarked media is owned by their respective companies. Videos uploaded are commentary in nature, as defined under the 'Fair use' policy of copyright.
- All requests on how to obtain ROM/ISO's etc, will be deleted.
- Trolling/Flaming will not be tolerated.
Most of my Let's Plays are filled with silliness and other related absurdities. I'm also interested in Stop Motion Animation and video production, having completed a fair few production for my school and personal interest. I enjoy most genre's so feel free to message me if you wish to make a request.
[Current Let's Plays]
- Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.
- Ken's Attempted Adventure In Pokemon Nuzlocke Land: Sapphire.
- Resident Evil: Remake.
[On Hold]
- The Ball [Save Data Corrupted].
- Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars [Waiting For Sisters School To Finish].
[Just For Fun.]
- The Adventures of Oswald the Orc (The Elders Scrolls IV: Oblivion).
[Finished Let's Plays]
- Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
- Amnesia: Justine.
- Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
- Barbie: Race & Ride.
- Jill Of The Jungle.
- Half Life 2.
- Psychonauts.
- Love Hina Advance.
- Penumbra: Overture.
- Penumbra: Black Plague.
- The Path.
At least that is what people tell me...
I have been watching LPs since almost 2 years now and I thought I'd start doing some myself.
Current main Projects:
-PWI all race 1-20 gameplay
Current side Projects:
-Doom 3 (Blind)
-League of Legends
Future Projects:
-Fallout 3
-Other games I won't reveal yet
Past Projects:
-PWI, Tideborn level 1-20
Suggested by viewers:
-NBA 2k11 (notthenextig)
-S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (GrimReaperHC)
-Silent Hill 8 (NiightmareXz)
-League of Legends (MrStelity)
-Mirrors Edge (innemannen)
Feel free to contact me for co-hosting videos. I play PWI on Sanctuary server.
Skype: kasPWI
Also make sure to add me on Facebook, Kas Pwi there =).
LP List:
New Release - [none]
Donated Game - BioShock
Random's Choice - L.A. Noire
Extra - MIRPILP, PeTI Test a Day
Indie Showcase - [none]
Co-ops - Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 w/Dutch (slow and steady wins the race?)
- Serious Sam HD The Second Encounter w/Dutch and Nes
- DC Universe Evil Side w/Nes and Connor
- Killing Floor w/Everyone
Completed LPs:
I used to have a list here of all the LPs I've completed. But Youtube put a character limit on channel descriptions. I'm still not happy about this.
Want to add me on Steam? PLEASE NOTE: It's not easy to have a conversation with me. I probably won't respond.
I also keep a constantly-updated list of games if you're feeling generous enough to want to donate. Any and all donations will be LP'ed as soon as I finish a current LP, with any special requests by the donator.