Hey there! I'm Jono, and I do many videos, most of which are LPs, however I do have ideas for a couple small mini-series bouncing around in my head. However, for now I remain under the title of a "Let's Play-er". Pleased to meet you.
I love seeing comments on my videos, it lets me know that there's something on the video that actually engaged the audience and drove them to place some of their thoughts somewhere that I can read them, so please don't refrain from giving a comment or two! However, I am a slight stickler when it comes to my channel, so depending on the severity I may delete a comment if it's rude, unrelated, or just all around dumb. Along with this, if a flame war starts in my comments, I will proceed with removing them. Not all of YouTube needs to see your argument. :P Actual discussions will remain, however. :)
See you all in the gaming world!
*Penumbra: Requiem
*Dead Space 2
*Metro 2033: Unavoidable bug
*Mass Effect 2: Will redo upon with enough requests.
In Progress:
*Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption (Side Project)
*Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
*Silent Hill 4: The Room (Blind)
*Legacy of Kane: Soul Reaver (1 and 2)
*Penumbra: Overture
*Penumbra: Black Plague
*Dead Space
*Thief series