Hello Everyone, am Vicious and this is were i do all my let's plays.
I do not accept random friend request and will not sub for sub.
Also i only do one let's play at a time, and never really take requests, and no am not some person trying to cash in on the Nintendo craze, i may do some Nintendo games but those are cause i love those games and had an impact on my childhood .
Current Let's Plays-
Onimusha 3 Demon Siege
Future Let's Plays-
Kirby's Return To Dreamland
Legend Of Zelda OOT
Mass Effect 1,2,&3
Tales Of The Abyss
BS Legend Of Zelda
Secret Of Mana
(More To Be Announced)
You can Follow Me On Twitter!/Vicious117
I do live Streams Here
Please read the channel guidelines (click "More" under the 'Date Joined' section below) before making comments on my channel!
Current Project Schedule:
Let's Play New Super Mario Bros.
- Uploaded Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Let's Play Pokemon Blue
- Uploaded Tuesday and Thursday
Pikmin 2 Challenge Mode
- Uploaded Saturday and Sunday
Madame and Slim's Arcade
- POSTPONED until further notice.
Let's Play Ratchet & Clank
- Uploaded at CrystalStarStudio
Future Projects:
Let's Replay Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
- August 7th, 2012
Return of Weekend Mini-Project
- August 18th, 2012
Mario Party 9 Board Playthroughs
- Fall 2012
All uploads/updates will not have a specific time of upload, unless otherwise stated. I will only be as exact as the information I give here.
Hello everybody, I am tenisbubba13 and welcome to my channel.
I make Let's Play's and some Goldeneye Wii and Reloaded Gameplays and some other things in this channel.
Goldeneye FC: 0021-0492-7873
PSN: Bubba1722
Xbox Live Gamertag: BUBBA1722
-Pokemon Emerald Grass Type Only (GBA)
-Metroid Prime 2 Echoes (GC)
-Kirby's Return to Dream Land (Wii) LostLPs
(see playlists)
-1,000 Subscribers (July 5, 2011)