Hey everyone, I've actually returned from the pit that is the legal battle with WMG.
Ongoing Let's Plays:
Final Fantasy (NES)
Finished Let's Plays
Crash Bandicoot 4: The Wrath of Cortex
Donkey Kong Country 2 (Speedrun)
Donkey Kong Country 3
Earthbound (Streaker Challenge)
Final Fantasy XII
Jazz Jackrabbit
Metroid: Zero Mission
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Mole Mania
Pokémon Silver [SCREENSHOT]
Puss n' Boots: Pero's Great Adventure
Super Mario Galaxy
Trauma Center: New Blood
Ongoing Let's Plays
Kirby's Dream Land 3
Abandoned Let's Plays:
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Reshef of Destruction [SCREENSHOT]
The King of Dragons
Rozehráté hry
Primárně hrané:
Mafie 2 Datadisky
Sekundárně hrané:
Plants vs Zombies
U ledu:
LoZ: Link to the Past
EarthBound 2 (Po PVZ sekundárnà hra)
Diablo 2
Mafia 2 Datadisky (Po Portalu 2 primárnà hra)
Připravované hry:
Mother 3
Super Mario World
Final Fantasy 3 (možná DS verze)
StarCraft 2
Možné hry:
Final Fantasy 6
Pokémonnà Hacky
Dohrané/pozastavené hry:
Chip a Dale Rescue Rangers 1 a 2
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (dohrán základnà pÅ™ÃbÄ›h)
Mafie 2
Pokémon Yellow
Resident Evil 5 - kooperace
Pokémon Stadium
Mafia 1
Pokémon Emerald
Portal 2
Currently Playing:
Dragon Quest IX [#26]
Final Fantasy IV CC [#27]
King's Quest 6 w/Lucahjin [#28]
Finished LPs:
Lego Star Wars [#1]
Lego Star Wars II [#2]
Lego Star Wars Complete Saga [#17]
King's Quest 1 EGA [#3]
King's Quest 1 SCI w/ Lucahjin [#24]
King's Quest 2 EGA [#4]
King's Quest 3 EGA w/ Lucahjin [#7]
King's Quest 4 SCI w/ Lucahjin [#18]
King's Quest 5 w/ Lucahjin [#21]
Space Quest 0: Replicated [#9]
Space Quest 1 EGA [#5]
Space Quest 2 EGA w/ Lucahjin [#23]
Space Quest: The Lost Chapter [#6]
Space Quest The Lost Chapter Deaths
Quest For Glory 5 [#20]
Hugo 1 - House of Horrors [#13a]
Hugo 2 - Whodunit? [#13b]
Hugo 3 - Jungle of Doom [#13c]
Legend of Zelda: Parallel Worlds [#8]
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons [#10]
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages [#11]
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening [#12]
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap [#16]
Digimon World [#22]
Digimon World 3 [#14]
Oregon Trail [#15]
Duke Nukem [#19]
Chrono Trigger DS [#25]