[Warning: Incoming legal message]
All game footage in this channel belongs to their respective owners. All videos are made for entertainment purposes only; no profit is being made.
Welcome to my channel!
I make videogame playthroughs with commentary, which means I'm talking while playing the game so you get to hear my annoying and sometimes overly dramatic voice while I both fail and succeed (but mostly fail).
I hope you enjoy the videos, and don't forget to COMMENT/RATE/SUBSCRIBE, and a big thank you to all those that do! :D
Games completed:
-DOOM 64
-Dino Crisis
-Tomb Raider Anniversary
-Illusion of Gaia
-Megaman X
-Resident Evil 1
-Resident Evil 3
Good morning my loyal subjects!
I'm kidding. Welcome to my channel! I am very happy you stopped right here, because this is where it all is! Recently starting and now becoming slowly bigger and bigger, I won't stop for anything!
The Videos in which I record I do not represent ownership of any content, music, or anything else that may violate someone/something/or some bodies rights or copyrighted material. I wish to stress that I deeply respect all the individuals and the companies or partnerships in which the music, games, content, etc. were made from. My videos are just mere entertainment commentary walkthroughs.
Be sure to enjoy all (As much as possible) my videos in the highest quality possible especially processed by yours truly. Tyrantking10 style ;)
Completed Let's Plays
Let's Play Alice: Madness Returns (PC)
Let's Play American McGee's Alice (PC)
Let's Play Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA)
Let's Play Crash Bandicoot 3: WARPED
Let's Play Crash Team Racing (PSX)
Let's Play Dino Crisis 2 [Normal Mode] (PSX)
Let's Play Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES)
Let's Play Doom 64 (N64)
Let's Play Doom II (PSX)
Let's Play Dr.Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Genesis)
Let's Play Final Doom: The Complete Collection (PSX)
(Final Doom Master Levels)
(TNT Evilution)
(Plutonia Experiment)
Let's Play Final Fantasy V (SNES)
Let's Play Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (Genesis)
Let's Play Pokemon Yellow (GBC)
Let's Play Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)
Let's Play Spelunky (PC)
Let's Play The Lost World: Jurassic Park (PSX)
Let's Play Ultimate Doom (PSX)
Currently in Progress
Let's Play Co-op Crash Bash With TheDDPikachu (PSX)
Let's Play Co-op Left 4 Dead - Campaign Mode (PC)
Let's Play Dino Crisis 2 [Hard Mode] (PSX)
Let's Play Doom 64 EX (PC)
ジャガイモ <br /><br />Pour suivre l'avancé des vidéos !<br />http://adwim-et-russian.fr/<br /><br />adwimpatate@gmail.com <br />http://www.facebook.com/adwim.patate <br />http://lamegaforge.tk<br />http://frapstesjeux.xooit.com/index.php<br />http://megasaurus.fr/ <br /><br />MAJ : 13/03/2013<br /><br />Prochaines vidéos : <br /><br />walkthroughs de prévus : <br />La saga des Sonic <br />Ico <br />Kuon <br /><br />Walkthroughs en cours: <br />Project Zero 3 : The Tormented <br /><br />Walkthroughs terminés : <br />Jurassic Park Trespasser<br />Le Convoi des Couillons<br />The Grudge / Ju On <br />La Trilogie de Nikopol<br />Cia Operative Solo Mission.<br />F.E.A.R 3 Solo <br />Metro 2033 <br />Iwo Jima Coop <br />F.E.A.R 2 Reborn <br />F.E.A.R 2 <br />F.E.A.R <br />Dino Crisis 2 en Coop <br />Resident evil 5 en Coop <br />Left for dead en Coop <br />S.T.A.L.K.E.R shadow of chernobyl <br />Project Zero 2 Crimson Butterfly <br />F.E.A.R perseus mandate <br />F.E.A.R extraction point <br /><br />  ▲ <br />▲ ▲