Hi guys!
Welcome to my channel!
Whats your PC like?
PC specs are
3.2ghz dual core amd64 athlon 6400+
8gb ddr2 ram at 800mhz
2 x 1gb ddr2 nvidia 8600 gt cards in sli (now using a nvidia gts 250)
250gb internal hard drive (now also have a 1TB internal 7200rpm sata III)
1tb external hard drive
cheap labtec keyboard that I LOVE and wouldn't swap ever
logitech g5 mouse
cheap logitech headset
What do you use to record?
I use fraps or cam studio 6 to record, virtual dub to edit/compress the video then.
Whens the next video out?
When you see it in your sub box
What other games will you be making lets play for?
Only Certain games are:
Diablo 3 // Guild Wars 2
Youtube email - jay0youtube@gmail.com
Big Thanks to IamHarlie http://www.youtube.com/user/IamHarlie for my current background!
Rozehráté hry
Primárně hrané:
Mafie 2 Datadisky
Sekundárně hrané:
Plants vs Zombies
U ledu:
LoZ: Link to the Past
EarthBound 2 (Po PVZ sekundárnà hra)
Diablo 2
Mafia 2 Datadisky (Po Portalu 2 primárnà hra)
Připravované hry:
Mother 3
Super Mario World
Final Fantasy 3 (možná DS verze)
StarCraft 2
Možné hry:
Final Fantasy 6
Pokémonnà Hacky
Dohrané/pozastavené hry:
Chip a Dale Rescue Rangers 1 a 2
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (dohrán základnà pÅ™ÃbÄ›h)
Mafie 2
Pokémon Yellow
Resident Evil 5 - kooperace
Pokémon Stadium
Mafia 1
Pokémon Emerald
Portal 2
Hi, hier gibts immer wieder neue neue Let's Plays und das seit 3.6.2010 :D
Gründer: Corsair92
Mitglieder: Hornisch , Effelooo & Marc
Laufende Projekte:
*Together: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer [C92 & Hornisch]
*Let's Battle: Dirt Showdown [C92 & Hornisch]
*Let's Play Warzone2100 [Hornisch]
*Let's Play Prototype 2 [Hornisch]
*Together: DayZ [C92 & Hornisch]
*Let's Play: Alan Wake [Effelooo]
*Let's Play: Civilization V [Marc]
*Together: Civilization V [Corsair92 / Igel] (Pausiert)
*Assassins Creed: Brotherhood [C92] (Pausiert)
Abgeschlossene Projekte:
*Let's Show: FIFA 12 [C92]
*Let's Show: Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception [C92]
*Let's Test: Two Worlds [C92]
*Let's Test: Gran Turismo 5 [C92]
*Let's Test: Bulletstorm [C92]
*Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword [C92]
*Let's Play: LIMBO [Hornisch]
*Let's Show: Diablo 3 [C92]