PC Specs:
Processor: AMD FX 8150 Eight-Core Processor (8 CPUs) 3.6GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM - 1666Mhz (Oced to 1866Mhz)
Hard Drive: 120 GB SSD - 2tb HDD
Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 6950 Series x2 Crossfire
Monitor: iiyama 24" TFT
Speakers Headphones: Sennheiser Wireless Headphones ftw?
Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow
Mouse: Logitech G9X
Mouse Surface: SteelSeries Pro
Motherboard: Crosshair V Formula
Let's Plays:
In Progress:
Completed Let's Plays:
Bioshock 2
Empire Total War - Great Britain
Empire Total War - Iroquois Campaign
Empire Total War - Prussia Campaign
Empire Total War - Poland-Lithuania Campaign
The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition
Frozen Let's Plays, will continue at a later date:
Portal 2
Let's Plays that have ceased production but are not complete:
Empire Total War - Sweden Campaign
Dead Space
Shogun 2 - Shimazu Clan
Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas
A place for my "Let's Play" gaming videos. Feel free to subscribe to get the latest on what I've uploaded =)
Finished "Let's Play" series:
Amnesia: The Dark Decent (PC) [Blind]
Battle Clash (SNES)
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (NES)
Doom (PC)
Doom II: Hell on Earth (PC)
Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition (PC)
Final Fantasy (NES)
Legend of Zelda, The: A Link to the Past (SNES)
Mega Man/Rockman (NES)
Mega Man 2 (NES)
Mega Man 3 (NES)
Mega Man 4 (NES)
Mega Man 5 (NES)
Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge (SNES)
Current "Let's Play":
Duke Nukem Forever (PC)
Earthbound (SNES) [ON HOLD]
Current Side Project(s):
Mega Man: Mantis Style
Final Fantasy: Solo-White Mage Challenge
Special Ongoing "Let's Play":
Action Adventure World: The Game
500 subs - March 20, 2012
1,000 subs - ???
This channel contains Let's play videos of video games from Nitsua94 and other video game content.
Completed Let's Plays:
Super Mario 64
Current Let's Plays:
Super Mario Sunshine
The Legend Of Zelda
Sonic Adventure DX Mission Mode TBA
Harry Potter CoS
Other games on other channels:
Luigi's Mansion (See Playlist)
100 Subscribers (July 18/12)
- Special thanks to MichaelsipodHelp and themcooldudes