Hey Eveeeerybody. We are two people who decide to play video games and talk over it. Yay.
Walkthroughs Completed
Heavy Rain
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Portal 2 Co-Op
Mafia 2
F.E.A.R. : Extraction Poin
F.E.A.R. :Perseus Mandate
F.E.A.R. 2
Fallout: New Vegas
Metro 2033
Half Life 2 Co-Op
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Left 4 Dead 1
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Left 4 Dead 2
L.A. Noire
F.E.A.R. 3
Dead Space
Saints Row: The Third Co-Op
Walkthroughs In Progress
in order of importance
Half Life 2 Episode 1
Diablo III
Fable 3
Dead Island
Ryan's Comp Specs:
i7 2600k 3.40ghz
8gb of RAM
AMD Radeon 6870HD
Emil's Comp Specs:
i5 2500k @ 4.0gHz
AMD HD radeon 6870
16gb RAM
If you have any questions for us, or a request please send us an email at
GFX made by -
Completed Projects (oldest - newest):
Far Cry 2
Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
Far Cry
Medal of Honor
Black Ops
Kane and Lynch Dead Men
Portal 2
Deus Ex
The First Templar
Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days (Co-Op)
Space Marine
Vice - Project Doom (Co-Op)
Mirror's Edge
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Power Rangers The Movie (Co-Op)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Metro 2033
Tony Hawk
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ShoC
Alan Wake
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Current Project(s):
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky
Have feedback or a suggestion for a game? Send it to me in a PM, comment, or over Steam.
Niveautechnische Grenzwertunterschreitung Tag für Tag
**** Laufende LPs ****
- Left 4 Dead 2 (Together)
- Illusion Of Time
- Amnesia: The Dark Descent
**** Nebenprojekte ****
- Die Polizei
YT-Geburtstag: 29.10.2010