All friend requests sent by people I do not immediately recognise = ignored.
Let's Plays
Let's Plays in Progress:
Final Fantasy X
Spelunky (Ongoing)
Completed Let's Plays:
Day of the Tentacle
Golden Sun
Monkey Hero
Kingdom Hearts
Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age
Early Let's Plays (poor video quality):
Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls
Spyro the Dragon
Discontinued Let's Plays:
Final Fantasy II: Dawn of Souls
Sam & Max: Season One
Let's Fails:
Demon Sword
Super Mario Bros.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Syobon Action
On Other Channels (check playlists):
Midnight Resistance (Kikoskia)
Ball Jacks (Kikoskia)
Jeopardy Junior Edition (Resulka)
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck (ToraTatsu2)
I live in the UK,
I'm a gamer, Ergo. I play games.
I'm open to requests for games. It can't hurt to ask
So far
- Completed -
Let's play Together : Streets of rage 2
Let's play/compete : Day of the tentacle
- On Hold -
Let's play : Zax
Let's play : Warcraft II
Let's play Ghost Master
- Coming soon / Work in progress -
Let's play : Impossible creatures
These are my current projects. I may do a random video of something else occasionally.
I hope you'll enjoy watching my videos!
PC gamer since 1989. No sign of recovery.
Streaming here sometimes:
Completed LPs:
Alpha Protocol
Assassin's Creed 2
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Bioshock 2
Borderlands: Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Crusader Kings II - Ireland
CSI: Deadly Intent
Day of the Tentacle
Divinity 2: Ego Draconis
Just Cause 2
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
The Movies
Saints Row the Third
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
Super Meat Boy(didn't do the last level though)
Tales of Monkey Island
Titan Quest: Immortal Throne
Wanted: Weapons of Fate
My PC:
Motherboard: ASUS P8P67
CPU: Intel i5 2500k @3.3GHz
VGA: MSI Radeon 6870 Hawk
RAM: Kingston HyperX 8GB 1600MHz CL9
Monitor: Samsung BX2331
All of the games, music, or any other footage belongs to their owners. I don't own sh*t, except my commentary.