►► ᴀʙá´á´œá´› á´á´‡
- ɴамє: Hannah
- ѕєӽ: Female ♀
- аgє: 17 (Senior in High School)
- Ɵʀɩєɴтaтɩоɴ: Sheva-sexual
- ɓɪʀтнɖау: October 22nd
- Type 1 Diabetic since March 1st, 2010
►► ᴘʀá´á´Šá´‡á´„á´›s
(W)= Walkthrough (LP)= Let's Play
â–º In progress
- (LP) Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
- (LP) The Sims 3 Ambitions
â–º On Hold
- (LP) Left 4 Dead 2
â–º In The Future?
- (Dual LP) RE5 [Main game] w/ Strat
►► á´‡qᴜɪᴘá´á´‡É´á´›
â–º Microphone
- Blue Snowball Ice
â–º PC Recording
- Full version Fraps
â–º Console Recording
- Dazzle DVC 100
- The package of the specific one I have is "Dazzle Video Creator Plus"
- Footage capture in Pinnacle Studio 12 (came with Dazzle).
- Audio recorded in Sound Recorder
â–º Editing
- Everything is edited and rendered in Sony Vegas 7.0