Currently Playing:
Dragon Quest IX [#26]
Final Fantasy IV CC [#27]
King's Quest 6 w/Lucahjin [#28]
Finished LPs:
Lego Star Wars [#1]
Lego Star Wars II [#2]
Lego Star Wars Complete Saga [#17]
King's Quest 1 EGA [#3]
King's Quest 1 SCI w/ Lucahjin [#24]
King's Quest 2 EGA [#4]
King's Quest 3 EGA w/ Lucahjin [#7]
King's Quest 4 SCI w/ Lucahjin [#18]
King's Quest 5 w/ Lucahjin [#21]
Space Quest 0: Replicated [#9]
Space Quest 1 EGA [#5]
Space Quest 2 EGA w/ Lucahjin [#23]
Space Quest: The Lost Chapter [#6]
Space Quest The Lost Chapter Deaths
Quest For Glory 5 [#20]
Hugo 1 - House of Horrors [#13a]
Hugo 2 - Whodunit? [#13b]
Hugo 3 - Jungle of Doom [#13c]
Legend of Zelda: Parallel Worlds [#8]
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons [#10]
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages [#11]
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening [#12]
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap [#16]
Digimon World [#22]
Digimon World 3 [#14]
Oregon Trail [#15]
Duke Nukem [#19]
Chrono Trigger DS [#25]
Current Projects:
~ Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
~ Fallout: New Vegas
Finished Let's Plays:
~ Psychonauts
~ Fallout 3 + All DLCs
~ Trine
~ Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition
Side Projects:
~ Chrono Trigger
~ League of Legends
~ League of Legends 2v2 Tournament
~ Dragon Age 2 DEMO
~ Borderlands: Shock Crystal Harvest Quest
~ Borderlands: End Game
~ Let's Abandon: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Contact Info:
.: League of Legends: Sinovera
.: Steam: Sinovera
**I do not accept friend/contact requests on any other services than the ones listed above.**
Yo, nice to meet you! I'm Sarah and I play retro games! (Because I'm poor.) :D
Right now my main LPs are Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7. I upload approximately every two days. Approximately. (I don't know how to manage time, shhhhhh.)
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Possible Future LPs:
Silent Hill 1-3 (maybe 4)
Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Radical Dreamers
Chrono Cross (BLIND)
Rule of Rose (BLIND)
Resident Evil 1 & 2
Gauntlet Legends
Zelda: Majora's Mask
Zelda: Wind Waker
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness
Animal Crossing (because seriously, wtf)