I used to make random music videos on games and now I dunno what else to upload, so I'm open to suggestions, I love making gaming videos. Recently gotten into Let's Playing. If you have any games you wanna watch, I'm open to any suggestions.
---Completed Let's Plays:
Silent Hill 1 [Blind]
Silent Hill 2 [Blind]
Portal 2 [Blind]
HL2 Mod: Half-Mind
Terraria [Blind]
Afraid of Monsters [BLIND]
Duke Nukem Forever [BLIND]
Penumbra: Black Plague
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 [BLIND]
---Ongoing Let's Plays:
---On Hold/Planned:
Cry of Fear [BLIND]
---Canceled but might get back to in the future:
Silent Hill 3 [BLIND]
Hope you guys enjoy my channel!
Hey viewers I'm back! I know only some of you know of my long absence but new viewers, just to let you know, I have been gone for a while but now I have returned!
Just to let you guys know I plan on making Let's Plays again! It has been a FOREVER since I have last made one but I have had a great amount of confidence for long time now and now I am coming back with a vengeance!...Well to make videos that is! Well Anyways guys thanks for subscribing or viewing or doing whatever you do on my channel and please enjoy my yet rusty and improving skills in my new let's plays/ videos
Let's Play In Progress:
"Let's Play Super Metroid!"
Unfortunately, I will not be revealing future Let's Plays due to my ability of me not being able to decide what game to do after the current one and also to surprise viewers!
Thank You For Reading
And Thank You For Tuning
Stay Tuned For More! :3
Ich freue mich SEHR das du zu mir gefunden hast!
Natürlich kannst du mir Fragen oder Anregungen als PN oder anderes schicken.
Ich lade jede Woche ca. 1-2 Video hoch. Je nachdem wie ich Lust habe, da ich wirklich nur aus Spass Let´s Plays mache.
Außerdem beginne ich bald meine Lehre das heißt, dass ich weniger Videos mache, wenn ich mich an den neuen Alltag gewöhnt habe stocke ich wieder auf.
Außerdem finde ich es besser, wenn ich erst einmal warte bis meine Videos von ca. 50 Leuten gesehen wurden.
Das sind meine laufenden Projekte:
- Assassin´s Creed Revelations
- CBS ProJekt
- forever together
- TheMinecraft Cast together
- Mein eigener Soundtrack
(Moviescore/Ambient/ Techno/Eelectronic)
- Previews,Intros,Specials
- Announcements