Hi, hier gibts immer wieder neue neue Let's Plays und das seit 3.6.2010 :D
Gründer: Corsair92
Mitglieder: Hornisch , Effelooo & Marc
Laufende Projekte:
*Together: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer [C92 & Hornisch]
*Let's Battle: Dirt Showdown [C92 & Hornisch]
*Let's Play Warzone2100 [Hornisch]
*Let's Play Prototype 2 [Hornisch]
*Together: DayZ [C92 & Hornisch]
*Let's Play: Alan Wake [Effelooo]
*Let's Play: Civilization V [Marc]
*Together: Civilization V [Corsair92 / Igel] (Pausiert)
*Assassins Creed: Brotherhood [C92] (Pausiert)
Abgeschlossene Projekte:
*Let's Show: FIFA 12 [C92]
*Let's Show: Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception [C92]
*Let's Test: Two Worlds [C92]
*Let's Test: Gran Turismo 5 [C92]
*Let's Test: Bulletstorm [C92]
*Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword [C92]
*Let's Play: LIMBO [Hornisch]
*Let's Show: Diablo 3 [C92]
Let's Plays that will be finishing soon: DreamFall - Gemini Rue - Blackwell Deception - The Scroll/Daughter Of The Serpent
Sporadic Updates: Dying for Daylight - Bully - Valerie Porter
PSN: Leccaru
XBL: The_Resulka
Twitter: Resulka
I am a Let's Player with a slight Minnesotan accent. I also do some Combat Arms commentaries. If you like my content please subscribe to me and be active on my channel.