
I used to make random music videos on games and now I dunno what else to upload, so I'm open to suggestions, I love making gaming videos. Recently gotten into Let's Playing. If you have any games you wanna watch, I'm open to any suggestions.

---Completed Let's Plays:

Silent Hill 1 [Blind]
Silent Hill 2 [Blind]
Portal 2 [Blind]
HL2 Mod: Half-Mind
Terraria [Blind]
Afraid of Monsters [BLIND]
Duke Nukem Forever [BLIND]
Penumbra: Black Plague
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 [BLIND]

---Ongoing Let's Plays:

---On Hold/Planned:

Cry of Fear [BLIND]

---Canceled but might get back to in the future:

Silent Hill 3 [BLIND]

Hope you guys enjoy my channel!

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