
i have watched let's plays for a long time so i decided to start my own, basically I do let's plays of games that I grew up with : - ) Hope you enjoy :D

Completed Let's Plays:

Croc2 (PC) - 100%

Bomberman 64 (N64) - 100%

Glover (N64)

Rocket Knight Adventures (Genesis)

Super Mario Land series (GB)

Banjo-Kazooie - (N64/xbla) - 100%

Current Let's Plays:

Donkey Kong 64 - (N64)

Secret of Mana Co-op - (SNES)

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - (N64)

Banjo-Tooie - (N64/xbla)

Future Let's Plays:

and games from the Wii,NGC, N64, SNES, NES, and even GB/GBC are on the way. . . so stay tuned :D

100th subscriber - MarioDiciple
200th subscriber - RCCeptor5665

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